Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My family

Do you ever wish you were followed around by a film crew or professional photojournalist? You know those times you say something HILARIOUS or do something AMAZING and wish you had it on camera? Well, I had one of those moments yesterday. It wasn't amazing or hilarious exactly, but it was ADORABLE.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, we took Sadie for a walk last night. We put on her lead collar and muzzle, leashed Chester up and headed out. We made it about half a block when Kevin pointed out that Buddy, my indoor/outdoor cat was following us.

I turned around, and there he was, bawling at me for leaving him behind.

Buddy followed us THE WHOLE WAY.

I am sure John Williams would be able to write the greatest score for our neighborhood jaunt. Just picture it: An adorable couple (if I do say so myself) walking his-and-hers Labs while a little ragamuffin kitty follows behind.

All together now: AWWWWWW!

If Buddy thought we were getting too far from him (he often ventured into yards and inspected bushes and flowers) he would holler for us to wait up. Or, if he got bored with our pace, he would take the lead. When we got back to our part of the block, he darted ahead, stopped, looked back and I swear he said "Come on! I want to show you something!" Then, he darted into a very cool (if you are a cat) yard with crazy plants and gnomes.

I'm sure we were quite the sight. I just wish I could have seen it.

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