Monday, April 20, 2009

Sadie's first camping trip

Every year my brother and uncle host a crawfish boil. It's a pretty awesome party, let me tell you. Friends, family, margaritas, crawfish, washers, and this year: camping.

Kevin and I decided to drive down to Ennis, Texas for the fest and camp the night. And take the dogs.

Overall, I would declare the trip a success as well! It helps that we purchased two miracle devices: a muzzle and a head collar. I have written a separate post about the head collar.

We tied the dogs up to a tree at the edge of the party. I made sure to tell everyone else with a dog that mine was aggressive and it would be best for everyone if they gave her a wide berth. Most kindly obliged.

We stayed at the party for about eight hours. It started about 2 p.m. and went well into the night. We crashed about 10 p.m. Sadie was pretty well behaved, but we weren't able to leave her unattended at all - she barked and barked and barked and barked and barked. Yeah, that annoying.

Then, it was time to hit the tent and, you know me, I was nervous. But the dogs were so tired, they just circled up and went straight to sleep. She didn't even bark in the middle of the night!

I'm not sure I will be too excited about the next trip, the worry takes a lot of energy, but it's nice to know she can behave for the most part.

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