Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Marley's sister?

Marley and Me.

I bought the book before the movie came out, but when I saw where it was headed I refused to finish reading it. I hate subjecting myself to sadness if I can help it.

Anyway, Kevin loved the movie - so much that he bought the book (he doesn't read many books). So, for his birthday yesterday, I bought him the movie - and watched it with him and our dogs.

It was ok.

I didn't feel the attachment to the dog that I think they should have given. Hello, Old Yeller! They showed him to us - in most scenes - but I never really felt him. Of course I bawled at the sad part, but who wouldn't? Mostly I was Sadie because it made me think of Sadie.

I have always joked with people about Sadie, saying she is pretty much Marley's sister. Which is dead on. Most of the antics in that movie she has done - including the pool and table scenes. But she has also eaten light bulbs, caulking, flooring ... entire blocks of cheese, half a dozen hard-boiled eggs (shell included). She can open the front and back screen doors (different types of handles) and thinks running in front of cars is the greatest thing ever.

The best part of the movie was Sadie, in fact. Every time a dog barked she looked up and around. So cute! Her reaction made it worthwhile. No matter what anyone says, she is a great dog.

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