Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Did you know that you can get a DNA test for your dog? It's true. The test will determine the breeds that can be found in your pup.

Of course, my fear that Sadie has Pitt Bull in her makes me not want to do this (not to mention, it is hardly free).

My roommate had a date last night with a guy who raises Labs. He says she isn't full-blooded Lab judging by the shape of her face. Fair enough. But what is she?

His vote?


Now, we've thought this before. Besides her love of running (off), she just plain loves running. She has the Greyhound back end shape and her nose is a bit Greyhound-esque. Also, she rolls her ears back a lot - and that is what makes me think Pitt - but Greyhounds ear roll back, too! This also explains her skinny waist and her ability to lose weight so quickly!



So, I was looking to find a photo of a Lab/Greyhound mix and found something else that looks pretty close to Miss Sadie: German Retriever/ Lab mix!


1 comment:

Renee said...

The problem with the DNA tests is that it only tests for like 65 breeds. So if you dog is a more obscure breed, which is likely for a mutt, then its likely nothing will come up.
Also, what's wrong with a pit mix? The breed doesn't always determine the attitude.